Thursday, August 22, 2013

Definition and Biblical Principle of Art

What is Art? 
This is the first question posed to each student in class.  It is not an easy one to answer.  The definition has evolved through the centuries.  However, since God is immutable, we have His written word, the Bible, we use His Word as the sole source in defining ART.
For the follower of Jesus Christ, art is the godly pursuit of skillfully and imaginatively creating a work that reflects and communicates the Gospel.
The Biblical Principles of Art:
1.  Creation is the masterpiece of all time.  Our Divine Creator spoke into existence all things.  He formed man and in him breathed the breath of life. (Gen.1:3-26, I Tim.4:4, Gen. 2:7)
2.  Our Lord's creative nature is revealed to us throughout Scripture and in creation.  We need only gaze about us, observing creation, to see His divine qualities of beauty, balance, variety, detail, unity and order.  Likewise, an artist's creative expression reflects the Lord in the artist and should glorify Him. (Rom. 1:20, Matt.12:35)
3.  The elements of design originated with God in creation and are the building blocks with which the artist creates:
 Color, Value, Space, Line and Texture
4. God, whose image man bears, has endowed each individual with His inherent creative ability.
(Gen. 1:27)
5.  It is man's responsibility to acknowledge, develop and steward the gifts God has so graciously given him.
(Matt. 25:15-29)
6.  In order for an artist to fully develop his creative ability he must become a keen observer.  (Zech. 4:2)
7.  It is imperative for students to learn about individual lives of master artists throughout history.
 It is one way to learn not only varied art techniques, but, more imporantly, of how others have used their God-given talents to proclaim the Gospel.  (Eph. 1:9-10)


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